The annual convention is KCG's largest event held for their current and potential clients. 2014 was the first year it was held and boasted to be like no other convention the attendees have been to.
Agency: Thinkso Creative

The lobby of the W Hotel was populated with branding and directional signage for the event.

To help the attendees get around DC, each one received a Wallpaper City Guide of Washington D.C. branded with a custom UnConvention book jacket.

A screen cling branded the Nexus 7 giveaway with the logo, wifi password, and information on the UnConvention app.

One of the many giveaways at convention was this branded KCG notebook. It had the added value of reminding the attendee about KCG’s company values long after the convention was over.

Following the success of the first UnConvention, KCG held their next convention in New Orleans. The event graphics developed further and adapted to reflect the culture and history of Nola.

To help with the event graphics, this fleur de lis pattern was created to reflect Nola's identity and pride in their city. It was a pattern that combined KCG's branding aesthetic with a symbol of Nola’s history.

To replace the standard pull-up banners, this standing gonfalon was designed to identify the UnConvention events around the city.

The colloquial New Orleans phrase “Where y‘at” was used for this graphic along with a stylized historic photo of the Roosevelt Hotel to welcome guest and help the party atmosphere of the opening reception.

A pattern was created to resemble the type of wrought iron fences Nola is known for to identify the entrances to the events throughout the city.

The wrought iron fence pattern was also used here to identify the entrance for the convention attendees.